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SEO Siege: How to WhiteWash Your Competitors — A SEO-News Exclusive Article

Search Engine Optimization is the vehicle that’s going to bring people to your websites. Without getting to the top of Google and other search engines, you’re not going to get close to reaching the amount of traffic you need to earn revenue from your websites. Getting to #1 in Google isn’t that hard when armed with the right information. In this article you’ll discover exactly what Google and the other major search engines want from their top ranking websites, and exactly how to give it to them. Advanced SEO Tactics In this section, I’m going to talk about a few advanced techniques that I use to move up the Google rankings on more competitive keyword terms.

The 10 Commandments for Online Marketing Success – A SPN Exclusive Article

Just like there are reckless and foolhardy methods you can use that will absolutely assure marketing failure, conversely, there are sound, proven, time-tested techniques that will greatly enhance your chance for marketing success. Following are The 10 Commandments For Online Marketing Success… 1. Thou Shall Have a Clear Vision and Goal There’s an age old proverb by Thomas Edison that famously states: “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” Truer words have never been spoken. You need to have a plan before you start a business. Why is a business plan so important? Because a properly constructed business plan is like a roadmap to your goals – a GPS if you will.

SEO Tips for E-commerce Sites

Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t easy for any website, and e-commerce sites have some unique SEO challenges to overcome. These tips will help you tackle your e-commerce site’s SEO so you can rank higher in search engine results and get more visitors, customers and sales for your online store. 1. Create Unique Content on Each of Your Product and Product Category Pages Interesting, unique content tells Google a page is valuable, and helps it rank higher.

Who Owns The Copyright of Work Created By A Contractor? A Trap For The Unwary

It’s really basic: ownership of the copyright in work a business pays for can often be critical for successful commercialization of that work. Unfortunately, the U.S. Copyright contains arcane provisions that will often produce a counter-intuitive result – leaving full copyright ownership with the contractor. How could this possibly be?? Internet attorneys, advisors and businesses cannot afford not to be aware of the applicable laws

The Explosion of the Mobile Web… Is Your Website Ready? – A SPN Exclusive Article

Just a few short years ago, it was a good bet that you would read articles like this one on your PC or laptop. Today, it’s just as likely that you are reading this article on a smartphone or tablet computer. So what’s changed, what happened? The mobile web happened, that’s what – and the Internet will never be the same. So, what’s the mobile web? Loosely defined, the mobile web is a way of accessing the Internet via a wireless network, using a handheld mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet computer

10 Ways to Be Successful with Affiliate Sales

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and most affordable ways to get started making money online. In essence, what you are doing is selling other companies’ products for a commission. You can make money without developing your own product or building your own sales site. All you do is promote the product and send the customers to the company’s site to make the purchase. Of course, I don’t want to make this sound too easy. It does take work, commitment, persistence and time like any other business.

New Rules for E-commerce – A SPN Exclusive Article Part 3

When the Internet was conceived, it was developed as an ‘information highway.’ It has evolved into an e-commerce solution that is a mandatory component for every business. However, the Rules of E-commerce have changed. In this article we introduce the new rules and how they impact shopping cart developers. • In Part 1, we discussed how the new rules impact consumers. • In Part 2 we discussed how the new rules impact online merchants. • In Part 4 we will discuss how the new rules impact smart phone application developers.

5 Creative Facebook Places Marketing Campaigns

Facebook Places, Facebook’s location-based feature that launched in August, allows Facebook users to see where their friends are and to share their locations in the real world. It has also become another powerful Facebook marketing tool for businesses, who can design campaigns around the checkin service to build awareness, grow their fan base and engage and reward customers. Each time a Facebook user checks into a particular location on Facebook Places, Facebook broadcasts the checkin to that user’s friends’ news feeds. This is not only viral marketing for the company – it also allows businesses to provide incentives for people to come to their physical locations or events. Although the service has only been around for a few months, quite a few companies have already begun integrating Facebook Places into their marketing programs. Here are five great examples that illustrate different ways companies can use Facebook Places, from offering simple discounts for checkins to multi-step rewards programs. 1.

10 Questions for New SEO Clients

Hello Jill, If you could only ask 10 general (non-industry-specific) questions of your new SEO customers, what would they be and why would their answers help you help them? Thank you, Andrew ++Jill’s Response++ Hi Andrew, Great question! I have a variety of different questionnaires that I send to clients, depending on the type of SEO consulting that I’ll be doing with them. For any SEO service, the more information I get from the client about their business and website, the better I can help them with their SEO. Here’s a selection of some of the questions I ask and why they’re important to the overall SEO process: 1. What Web Analytics Program Do You Use, and Can We Have Access to It? Web analytics are the key to measuring the current level of SEO success (or lack thereof). They’re also the key to determining whether any future SEO implementation is helping to bring more targeted traffic. Therefore, it’s critical for me to have access to this information regardless of the level of SEO service I’m providing.