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Viral Marketing: A Winning Combination of Content and Outreach

Viral marketing is nothing new, but social networking has changed the way we think about it. It has never been easier to share something en masse, and there have never been so many different platforms on which to do this. That said, the key to dissemination is not only utilizing every outlet available but also creating content that people will want to share. After all, you can have a whole host of share buttons accompanying your content, but ultimately the decision to share is up to the user. Here are a few things to consider when aiming for the relentless ubiquity associated with viral marketing. Define your message. What is the one thing you want people to realize when they view your content? In one sentence, articulate that in specific, but not overly complex terms

The 10 Commandments for Online Marketing Success – A SPN Exclusive Article

Just like there are reckless and foolhardy methods you can use that will absolutely assure marketing failure, conversely, there are sound, proven, time-tested techniques that will greatly enhance your chance for marketing success. Following are The 10 Commandments For Online Marketing Success… 1. Thou Shall Have a Clear Vision and Goal There’s an age old proverb by Thomas Edison that famously states: “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” Truer words have never been spoken. You need to have a plan before you start a business. Why is a business plan so important? Because a properly constructed business plan is like a roadmap to your goals – a GPS if you will.

Ten Steps to Building a Loyal Readership – A SPN Exclusive Article

Starting a blog from scratch can be intimidating. There are a countless number of established blogs on the web, and you must differentiate yourself to compete. These ten steps can help guide you on your way to penetrating the elite fraternity of professional bloggers, and building a loyal readership. 1. Have a Plan One of my favorite quotes comes from Lewis Carrol and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by way of the Cheshire Cat – “If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you expect to get there?” Decide early on what the specific goals of your blog might be. If you don’t outline your goals, you will risk writing meandering content that will lack focus. Write a detailed business plan and content schedule to avoid getting too far off track.

Why Both Weight Loss and Google Rankings are Limited Goals

My husband and I were talking the other night about one of his pet peeves: When people start exercising and eating healthier, they usually measure their success by how much weight they’ve lost (or not) as shown to them by their trusty scale. It annoys him because, while losing weight is one sign that you’re doing things right, after a certain point, it can only tell you so much. It reminded me of my own pet peeve: how people usually measure the success of their SEO work by checking how well their site ranks in the search engines. Yet, similar to weight loss being a poor main goal for your health and fitness regime, where your pages rank for specific keyword phrases is also a poor main goal. Healthier Body – Healthier Website Your principal goal when eating in moderation and exercising regularly should be to become healthier overall, and ultimately to live a longer and more satisfying life.