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5 Things Your Press Releases Should Be Doing — A SPN Exclusive Article

Submitting press releases has become the new “in” thing for internet marketers. Sure, press releases are a great way to gain exposure and build quality backlinks for your website. However, this entire strategy is based on the assumption that you’re publishing the right kinds of press releases. If you’re dealing with quality press releases, they should be doing these 5 things: 1. Providing Information – Not a Sales Pitch This is the single biggest reason that press releases wind up in the garbage! By definition, a press release’s job is to inform the media of something new, not to sound like an infomercial. When I was in the news biz, we had an all-too-commonly used phrase when we received press releases like this – “send ‘em a rate card.” After all, what you’re really doing by publishing that salesy press release is asking for free exposure on their station, on their website, or in their newspaper. Instead, you’d be better off asking for a rate card – or, the card that TV stations and newspapers use to determine advertising rates. From an internet marketing perspective, many of the good press release distribution websites will not accept your release if it sounds like a sales pitch.