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17 Ways to Make Sure Your Website is Working for You

Is your website bringing in at least five new inquiries per day? If not, you need to look at its functionality. Your website acts as a “storefront.” You should put as much thought and care into your website as you would to the display in your store’s window. Your website needs to attract customers and keep them coming back for more. The following should give you a place to start and a guideline of what a good website should have and what it should do: 1. Where Do Your Eyes Go First? You only have a few seconds to catch a visitor’s attention

Too Much Traffic? Too Many Leads? Try Search Engine Optimization

Yes, you read the title right. My company recently performed extensive search engine optimization on a client website, and the results were staggering. Within a month, organic search traffic had dropped by over 60%. Inbound leads from organic search had dropped by over 50%. And the client was absolutely thrilled with the results. So when is less organic search traffic better? And when are fewer leads from organic traffic better? Less traffic from organic search traffic can be better when the site attracts the wrong kind of traffic, and fewer leads can be better when the site attracts the wrong kind of leads.

Beyond Expectations – Getting the Most out of Facebook Like and Share

People long have loved to find new and innovative uses for the most innocuous technologies and advances. In the late 19th century, “moving pictures” were a nickel-arcade novelty. Today films such as Avatar are made on budgets comparable to military-grade hardware investments. Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone could barely call from one room to another; now the average iPhone has more uses and computing power than all the computers used in World War II combined. This trend is repeating itself with the rise of social media network marketing practices. What started as socialization programs only slightly more complex than the average e-mail client has grown into one of the newest and most promising marketing niches in the entire world

Starting a Lucrative Online Business for Financial Freedom Online

When one starts their online business, generally speaking they cannot afford to spend a lot of money on PPC campaigns or pay for Google Sponsored Ads, especially when they don’t even know if their efforts will bring guaranteed success. So how do people start a successful campaign without an advertising budget to play with? Well, you must’ve heard about Article Marketing. Most of us have heard about it but just feel it takes too much time and effort to do it. There must be an easier and quicker way to promote your business right? Wrong! Article Marketing has become one of the most risk free, popular, tried and tested online marketing strategies used to get more traffic and publicity for your online business, leading to more sales. There are no shortcuts to building a lucrative online business.

Has Google+ Already Won that War Against Facebook? A SPN Exclusive Article

Just within the last two years Facebook overtook Myspace as the king of social networking. Now Myspace has been regulated by the technology and advertising community to the garbage heap of websites. Now has arrived what everyone knew would come, Google+, the newest best “social network” to compete in a crowded pack, dominated significantly by Facebook. Many people see that Facebook has a stranglehold on the social networking, and that nothing will take away it crown. I see completely the opposite that Google+ has already won, and within a year will easily take away any dominance that Facebook has, quickly sapping Facebook’s influence and value. For the last few years, I’ve made the argument to friends and colleagues that Google should be buying Facebook, it was only a natural progression. Instead of selling to Google, Facebook felt that it was a long-lasting company that itself needed to buy other companies and become the next Google

Why We Secretly Hate Your Emails (And What You Can Do About It)

Ok, I admit it…I’ve been a militant emailer for years. Whether it was requiring updates from employees, discussing strategy with partners, ordering from vendors, etc. I considered my emails as THE way to communicate and get things done, especially when working remotely. I’d get frustrated when emails were ignored or not comprehended and couldn’t understand why other professionals would take them so lightly. Yes, I’d read Tim Ferriss’s 4HWW and knew that some people were trying to cut back on their email consumption, limiting their time responding/sending emails, etc…but they shouldn’t do that to ME, I thought. What I didn’t realize before starting was that some people loathed getting emails from me and their poor response rate was a secret rebellion in protest. Others have been writing about this as well, including such well-known bloggers as Seth Godin and Chris Anderson giving us email checklists and setting out to create an email charter