A Short Term Strategy

When you are starting out on your internet marketing venture, it may be confusing to try to comprehend all the strategies and methods that everyone is using. Instead of trying to take it all in all at once, just try one marketing strategy first and do it properly.

Sometimes you just have to try out something to see if it works for you and in this case, using a short term strategy can help you figure out a lot of things. One of the best strategies to use would be pay-per-click advertising (PPC). PPC is simple and easy to set up; all you have to do is get an account, figure out your keywords and create your ads. Currently Google Adwords and Yahoo! Overture are the best platforms out there.

Adwords can be set to display your ads on search results or content. An important point to note is that Google supplies search results to AOL and other sites as well. This means that when you set Adwords to display results only on “searches”, your ad will appear on all the sites Google supplies results to. Starting off with the “searches” option is better, as the other option will require a little bit of experience to make it work. Overture is also quite good and one of the advantages it holds over Adwords is that the size of the ads is a little bigger.

The reason why PPC advertising is a good short term strategy is that it brings you traffic immediately, it allows you to gauge how your site is performing and if it isn’t performing very well, it allows you to tweak your site and get quick feedback.

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