Podcasts Are a Fun Way to Generate Traffic

Creating your own podcasts and putting them on-line for everyone to download and listen may seem a little daunting at first. What if I sound stupid? What if I am not saying it right? These are the type of questions that keep popping in to your head as soon as you think about creating podcasts. Well, it’s not that hard and it is far less complicated. The challenge is to create your first podcast.

Start with a topic you are familiar with. Don’t drone on for a long time and keep it simple. You can then ask your listeners to let you know what they would like to hear about next. Most people love to know that they’ve been heard and their opinions taken in to consideration. If your listeners request for a podcast in a field where you are not an expert, do the easy thing and interview someone who is an expert. Variations like this will generate a lot of hype and excitement amongst your listeners and they will tell others about your podcasts.

Using podcasts to generate traffic means you need to let people know that you’ve added your own podcasts. So make sure to submit your podcasts to as many directories and websites as possible. You may also want to look at social bookmarking sites like Digg.com, Tagfoot and Lensroll. You can also submit your podcast to Facebook and promote your website further. It is important to ask your listeners to check out your website at the end of each podcast. Have a splash page dedicated to your podcast listeners.

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