Twitter For Nonprofits and Fundraising

If you are part of a non-profit organization, collecting funds and spending them effectively will be of primary concern. In this endeavor, getting publicity is not easy as it has to be done free of charge. If you are caught in such a quandary, then consider using Twitter as an online marketing tool.

Twitter brought the concept of micro-blogging to the forefront. Although when you start out, you will begin with what you are doing or where you are going now, after which you will soon start to get the hang of Twitter. The whole idea behind it is to throw your thoughts out, in the 140 characters allowed per tweet, and listen to the replies that come in. This allows a vast amount of information exchange via opinions, links, etc.

Listening is very important. Do not go out there trying to impose your will or blindly push your cause. Follow as many people as you can who are related to your cause and listen to their opinions. Once you have built your reputation, it becomes easy to promote your cause and drive traffic towards your fundraising campaign. There are many well-documented Twitter based fundraisers that have been successful, but only because the recipient organization was perceived to be genuine. Therefore, a good reputation is essential.

If you are not used to the technology, do not worry about it. It is very simple to use, as simple as having a conversation with someone and the best part is – it is free!

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